Microprocessor families: Microchip PICs (12X, 16X, 18X, 32x), TI MSP430X2XX family, Atmel (Atmega and Arm 7 core)
Firmware: C for microprocessor families listed above.
Software: C#, National Instruments LabView, Visual Studio
Development platforms, environments, frameworks: Labview, Visual Studio, .NET, Arduino
Communications: RS-232,RS-485, Modbus, SPI, I2C, MIDI, custom for wireless communications (RF and IR)
Circuit design: Microcontrollers, digital logic, discrete transistor designs, Motor Drivers (DC and Stepper), numerous special purpose ICs, switching power supplies
PCB design and layout: Altium for new designs and Eagle for legacy work. Boards up to 8 signal/ground layers.
Mechanical design: Solidworks 3D solid modeling. Mechanism design. Injection molding, sheet metal, casting, machined, die cut, extruded parts.
Other systems: Various displays, many sensing technologies (thermal, force, volumetric, hall effect, optical…)
Manufacturing and prototyping: In-house lathe, CNC mill, 90W laser cutter, and makerbot 3D printer. Good relationships with vendors capable of quick-turn PCB fabrication, machining, metal extrusion, casting, sheet metal fabrication and 3D rapid prototyping